jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

I love/hate Scrip Subjet

I love write and i love write things like Scrips but this semester the subjet scrip are awful. I hate teacher, i hate classemate and we did nothing in it.
But i love write and i wrote the scrip for my examen, i'm happy with it, i love it, and i teacher love it. i didn't lear something but i think i dont need it, because the teacher do not lear something to me, THAT TEACHER, is not my type of teacher for scrip and i think that ok.
But well,. that teacher at the end taught me something, not write skills but he taught me the format of a scrip.
how to write a scene, a dialogue, acctions, somethings like that but that only what i learned from him and that not to much but is better than nothing.
In scrip subjet the only thing we can did is watch shortmovies and fragments of the godfather. We hardly ever write things or a real scrip, we hardly ever did something than hear the teacher talk about his fantastic movie and what is he the most great scripwriter becaus he learned it in Alemania and bla bla bla.
I really hate him.
We never saw any relevant contents, the teacher never said anything important for a person who want write a scrip and love to do it.
Maybe in  a future i can lear more skill to write a scrip because that what i like more than anothers subjet in that career .
I'll want write scrip not only for movies, i want write scrips for tv shows, tv series, tv animations series and thinks like that. I like film, and movies, but i love more animation and series because the format are better than a three hour movie.

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm sorry that you hated the teacher. At least you did get to learn something in the end, and did a script that you love :)

  2. That's really sad, but it happens a lot here in ICEI, there is a lot of difference between the sections of the courses. :(

  3. well, at least you create something that you like. It´s better than nothing
