jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

I love/hate Scrip Subjet

I love write and i love write things like Scrips but this semester the subjet scrip are awful. I hate teacher, i hate classemate and we did nothing in it.
But i love write and i wrote the scrip for my examen, i'm happy with it, i love it, and i teacher love it. i didn't lear something but i think i dont need it, because the teacher do not lear something to me, THAT TEACHER, is not my type of teacher for scrip and i think that ok.
But well,. that teacher at the end taught me something, not write skills but he taught me the format of a scrip.
how to write a scene, a dialogue, acctions, somethings like that but that only what i learned from him and that not to much but is better than nothing.
In scrip subjet the only thing we can did is watch shortmovies and fragments of the godfather. We hardly ever write things or a real scrip, we hardly ever did something than hear the teacher talk about his fantastic movie and what is he the most great scripwriter becaus he learned it in Alemania and bla bla bla.
I really hate him.
We never saw any relevant contents, the teacher never said anything important for a person who want write a scrip and love to do it.
Maybe in  a future i can lear more skill to write a scrip because that what i like more than anothers subjet in that career .
I'll want write scrip not only for movies, i want write scrips for tv shows, tv series, tv animations series and thinks like that. I like film, and movies, but i love more animation and series because the format are better than a three hour movie.

martes, 4 de junio de 2019

Teacer, my bad i can't did this before because i'm already busy with my examen filming.

My dream job. I don't want a job like a job. I want live by my own in a forest, in a big wood house with a lot animals but that's unreal. So, maybe i want to be an artist, a writer, a screenwriter, a painter, everything except musical because i like music but i'm bad with it.
I love draw and paint and write, and read and view things and i want to live do that. I love create thing and that is the reason in my decision to study film, create something.
Maybe i can't study art or literature but i think arts is not something what can study in a place crowded and with "Rivals", art, for me, is something that born in a person with learn in a personal place with a personal reference, it's not only works or know things about art. Every art, with a soul it's art and Literature is not my first option, i want write a book but after study film.
And well in a film we can mix that things in one, art, literature, paint, photography, that beautiful. After all film is the 7th art, the last one, the one that mix the other arts in one place.

I dunnot what skill i need, maybe passion and vocation cause it's not a job that ear a lot of money but that job need a lot of money, maybe a less money not gain.
But i can live with that.

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019



Caiozzama is a chilean street artis who made a piece like that one in the top. I just search somethings about him and he is a photographer too, so that works after all. 
I like him a lot cause his work are mix. Is like a colage and a grafiti and a photo. He put on his works a lot of populars thinks of this time and a lot of things of another time, like migelangelo´s painting or something like that. 
we can see his urbans interventions in barrio lastarria as diferent sizes stikers. That stiker are about a lot of things like frida kalo or superman. It's in a diferent part of barrio lastarria like in the walls and in some doors and in a lot of windows.   
The stikers are beautifuls as renaissance paintings and urbans like a graffity. Him mix that two things in one and made an urban intervention simple, little and  subtles. That stikers say a lot about importants things but they doesn't bother any one in a crowded place like barrio lastarria. 
if you want see more, you can follow him in his intagram or tumblr. His artis name is @caiozzama. 
I recommend you follow him and you don't regret it.!!!

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

well if we think everything in the world are technology in that case i talk about a simple think: The Spofork!

A lot of people think the spofork are a ain't funny joke, you too isn't it? But spofork isn't a joke. Is a incredible piece of technology.
If you make it with wood that make a spofork super ecological. You have two cutlery in one that means you only need a spofork and a knif in your house if you lived alone. And if you go to a camping you have more space in your launch bag.

When i go it? Well the first time was in 2003 in a restorant, i was only 3 but that day i found a marvelous thing. I fall in love to spofork.

How i use and often it? I use it when i eat a lot of things... like soup, salad, spaghetti. Spofork works for every food. And well i have a lot of cutlery in my house cause i ain't live by my own. But if i have chance to use it, i use it.

why i like it? it's a joke? I like it cause is a spofork and i ain't nothing more.

What life would be like without it? It's simple... there would be no life without spofork.

I ain't like talk about myself, i don't like anything of that. And that the why everything here will be fake, after all the inglish is the important thing, not myself.

In my childhood i'll see myself as nothing. I never think in the future until i was in 10th grade. In that moment i thing in myself like a person who want be a normal person with a normal life but that ain't exist a study program who make me a normal person because i dunnot how to be a normal person.

A teacher of mine say me: "What you like to do in your free time? Do that in the future" But i only like sleep and eat in my free time and that isn't a study program.


I think a lots of moth, until 10th grade to 12nd grade but i didn't like anything,  i didn't anything in my free time, i lost my free time always, every and every day.

When i did my psu and they gimme the results i obtained, i has a lot of possibilities to choose.
in that moment the answer was not clear. I didn't know what i want to make in my future. I didn't know what i want to be in my future.
I was lots... really lost.
i left it to chance.
In a hat i put the study program that the teacher tell me and two or thee that look like funny or interesting.
I choose one.
That was film and i'm here.
I choose U. de chile, cause look like more... simple (?) maybe... look like more like a house than u. catolica.

The experience in that University is... good, ain't perfect like everything but isn't bad, i like it.
And I dunnot what kind of job i like to have. I lost yet but... i have time to think

jueves, 18 de abril de 2019

Well... let's star this. My name is Maria Angel Jesús Uribe Guichar, i born in santiago de chile. I always lived in Renca. Y'know the hill with "renca la lleva". I'm 19 And i born April second in 2000.

It's a nice place. A little poor but nice after all. I studied elementary school and high school at colegio San Joaquin  de renca. I love my school and i go there frecuently because i love my teachers and my lil'sis study there. 

I love history a lot but my love for Mesopotamia's history is my bigger love. I love from Sumer to Neo Babilonia. 

I study film in U.Chile, i like it, but dunno, aint my passion, i love more digital animation but in chile is hard, so hard and expensive. Thats the why to my decision. I'm here cause the goverment pays everything. 

I live with my two older brother, mi lil sis, my grummy, my mom and my pets, two dogs and one cats. 

i love draw, i drawing a lot when i have time. I love traditional art and digital art, but i prefer digital art cause is cheaper. Traditional art is expensive, we need a lot of art supplies, especial peaper, especial pens, feathers, erearsers, color pencils and markers. 
i love read too. In a year i read 12 diferents book, one per month aprox. The books in chile are to expensive too, that's why i buy cheapers books in san diego or books with discount in bookstore. Ain't have a type of books but if i have to say something maybe i said i love fantasy book. My favorite book is "Neverending story" from Michael Ende. 
I watch a lot of anime. I watch the best anime in the season and that is maybe 10 or 8 anime for season and the year have 4 season, summer, winter, spring and fall. That is like 40 anime in a year OMG!
My favorite in this season is "The promised neverland". 

 Watch it. it's beautiful. 
And i dunno what else to say. 
so Bye.